Hugh Corder is a law graduate of Cape Town, Cambridge and Oxford. After starting his academic career lecturing at Stellenbosch University, he held the Chair of Public Law at the University of Cape Town (UCT) from 1987 to 2019 and is now Professor Emeritus of Public Law. He served two terms as Dean of Law at UCT from 1999 to 2008, and in addition served as Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor in 2016-2017 and Interim Director of the Graduate School of Business in 2020. Professor Corder was elected a Fellow of the University of Cape Town in 2004. He has been active in many organisations in civil society since his student days in the 1970s, striving for the recognition of the Rule of Law and basic rights through the law, in pursuit of dignity, equality and freedom for all. He has written extensively in the fields of constitutional and administrative law over the past 40 years and in 1993 served on the committee drafting South Africa’s first Bill of Rights, which became part of the transitional constitution.